Friday, September 19, 2008

Countdown to Nairobi

After 7 long months of planning and preparation, much of it done long-distance through hundreds of e-mails and many dozens of phone conferences, the Kenya Medical Mission is about to begin.

Through the generosity of the Rotary Clubs of Marietta Metro, Smyrna and Dunwoody, GA; York East and North Lebanon, PA; Nairobi North; Districts 6900 and 7390 and a grant from The Rotary Foundation, the mission team will serve children in the slums of Nairobi. In the early planning stages, I don't think any of us ever dreamed that this project would be the size and scope that it is. But here we are, 73 doctors, dentists, optometrists, nurses, and non-medical volunteers, representing more than 40 Rotary clubs in 10 countries, coming together for the benefit of kids who have little or no access to medical care.

I would be remiss if I did not mention my wonderful co-team leader, DGE Connie Spark (D-7390), the ultimate mission guru, who has taught me so much in this process, and our indispensable and long-suffering assistant, Peter Sotheran (R.C. of Guisborough & Great Ayton, UK). I can't say "THANK YOU" enough to both of you!

There are many reasons why so many people from so many different countries would give up two weeks of their time to travel to a far-away land to work very hard in less than optimal conditions. No doubt some of their stories will be told, as we work together and share the fellowship of each other and our fellow Rotarians in Nairobi.

For now, all of the lists have been made (and lists to remember the lists), supplies and equipment ordered and almost packed, flight and hotel arrangements confirmed, questions answered, jittery nerves calmed, and the last-minute throwing of stuff into suitcases is underway. The early arrivers have already reached Nairobi, others are enroute and the last of us will depart tomorrow. Our grand adventure is about to begin!

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